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Galleries and Photos:
Balls in the sky
photo info
Location: Berlin
Country: Germany
Camera: FujiFilm 1000fd
Date: 8/2009
Note: they were just opening a new subway line - U55

Other photos in gallery

Krkonose mountains...
Giant Mountains (Krkonose) (Czech Republic)

flowers above Rilong
Rilong (China)

thunderstorm is coming
Mount Ararat (Agri Province) (Turkey)

main square in Kromeriz
Kromeriz (Czech republic)

side lane in Erbil bazaar
Erbil (Iraq)

silent lake near Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

sunset over Chongqing
Chongqing (China)

this is how August 14 2017 was born I
Giant Mountains (Krkonose) (Czech republic)

peaceful land
Bile Karpaty mountains (Czech republic)
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